Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Floating or Falling.

Slippin, and Trippin
 Flippin, and Dippin
  Sifted, Lifted, Grifted
Spin, Span, Spun....
No sleep left for the Wicked!
Death makes a fine lover
But a poor Mistress
Like Mary shes Delusional
Like Lucy she's a nightmare in Purple.
Washed out Jaded.
Dreams shattered, and faded.............
E motion a game I play to lose.
How can one be scattered
Empty headed, I was never home.
Silent Nights, hide our lies
Raging these Electric Gods
Take vacations with the Dogs.
Tricks to long held
Secrets killed and died for.
Like we can escape what we enslave.
Dancing patterns of infinity on the Disco Ball
Spinning Disc, Ro field sphere, Equipoise.

Misbegotten Beast of Fun.